To further complicate the situation, the data of interest may be spread among multiple systems, hosted on different networks, or housed in a variety of physical locations. 使这种情况进一步复杂化的是,相关数据可能散布在多个系统之中,承载在不同的网络上,或者驻留在各种各样的物理位置。
First, America has an interest in reversing the spread of nuclear weapons and preventing their use. 首先,逆转核武器扩散的趋势,防止核武器的使用,是美国的利益所在。
The scheme has shed light on the fact that a large portion of the overseas lending that Chinese companies are doing to capture the interest rate spread has been with loans collateralized with commodities. 这起案件已经揭示了一个事实&中国公司为获取利差收益而从海外借入的很大一部分资金是以大宗商品作为抵押品的贷款。
"I expect the interest spread to rise steadily for the second half, and there is not much pressure for the bank to further lift its provision coverage for bad loans this year," he said. 我希望利率将会在下半年趋于稳定,并且今年银行将不会有太多的呆账坏账。
Consumer interest has spread beyond the US. 消费者兴趣已蔓延至美国以外的地区。
The deeper reason for enforcing the traffic law with a pre-set trap is not the "interest link" widely spread in the community, but the misuse of entrusted power to impose a fine. “钓鱼执法”的深层次原因是执法权力的“传声污染”,而非坊间广为流传的“利益链”说。
This was dangerous because the interest rate spread could be wiped out in short order by volatile currency movements. 这样做很危险,因为货币波动性大,利差可能在很短的时间里被抹去。
This is first and for most in China's interest, because the spread of dangerous weapons and technology was increase in stability near China's own borders. 这样做首先符合中国的利益,因为危险武器和技术的流失会增加中国自己边境附近地区的不稳定性。
Firstly, in order to secure a lower monthly repayment you either have to get credit at a lower interest rate, or spread your payments over a longer period. 首先,为了取得较低的每月还款你要么获得以较低利率贷款,你付款或散布以更长。
I hope that baseball interest will spread in China, and Major League Baseball is encouraging development of the sport. 我希望中国会有更多的人喜欢棒球,而棒球大联盟有助于这项运动的发展。
IRR ( Interest Rate Risk) of China's life insurance goes more outstanding because of a sequence of lowering interest rate in China since 1996.What the thesis studies is IRR of life insurance pricing, namely, Interest Spread Risk. 1996年以来,连续8次的降息,使我国寿险业的利差损问题变得格外突出,也使得寿险业的利率风险管理研究一时成为我国保险界关注的焦点。
The thought of Interest Rate Spread Risk management can change principles of management and operation strategy for the life insurance company. 利差风险的管理思想能从根本上改变寿险公司经营理念和经营策略并贯穿于日常经营活动中。
Again, life insurance company's business profitability is influenced by interest spread risk along with its after effect on reserve valuation of life insurance; 进而,论文讨论了寿险利差损风险对寿险公司责任准备金评估的影响,得出寿险利差损风险影响寿险经营利润的进一步结论;
In the fast paced evolution of the interest market, especially after the widening of the floating interest rate spread in 2004, enhancing pricing ability for loans to institutional clients to increase profit has become an important issue to a national commercial bank. 随着利率市场化改革步伐的加快,特别是2004年初金融机构贷款利率浮动区间的扩大,加强公司客户贷款定价管理,提升贷款收益率成为国有商业银行面临的重要课题。
Retesting Predictive Power of Repo Bond Interest Rate Price Spread 国债回购市场利率价差预测能力的再检验
There are many experts and life insurance workers studying on Interest Spread Risk from qualitative or quantitative ways by the mean-variance method, but writer has not yet found who analyzes Interest Spread Risk by VaR technique. 他们的研究方法大多沿袭传统的均值一方差分析方法,但将VaR技术运用到寿险定价的利率风险管理中还未尝见到。
Thirdly, inquiring into methods of forecasting interest spread loss of life insurance business, including in total business and in different business respectively; 接着探讨寿险业务利差损的预测方法,主要从两方面进行预测:总体业务的预测和不同类别业务的分别预测;
This thesis lays emphasis on quantitative analyzing of Interest Spread Risk, policy pricing, policy design and present value of policy profits by VaR technique. 本文侧重引入VaR技术定量分析寿险定价的利率风险,并将其应用于产品设计、保单定价、保单利润现值及保单利源的分析上。
Leading into the thought and theories of Interest Rate Spread Risk are an inevitable measure for the state-owed life insurance company to improve the anti-risk ability and enhance the business enterprise core competencies. 引入利差风险的管理思想及理论是国有寿险公司提高抗风险能力,强化企业核心竞争力的必然措施。
The domestic insurance total sales present the trend of escalation, but because of the sale of high ordered fixed credit interest rate policy most recent several years, the life insurance company faces serious interest spread, which makes life insurance company anxious. 尽管国内寿险销售总额呈现上升趋势,但中国寿险业前几年发售的高预定利率保单,使得寿险公司面临着严重的利差损,利差倒挂成了寿险业的心腹大患。
Then aim at the changing of interest rate of the world and our country, leading into the examples of Japanese life insurance company bankruptcy with Interest Rate Spread Risk problem, furthermore, goes deep in to consider to the reasons that causes Interest Rate Spread Risk. 然后针对国际和国内利率环境变化的现状,引入日本寿险公司因利差问题导致公司倒闭的案例分析,从而对国有寿险公司利差风险产生的原因深入思考。
Therefore, to decreases the Interest Rate Spread Risk with dissolves, and to increases the level of anti-Interest Rate Spread Risk management do particularly important to the state-owed life insurance company. 所以研究降低和化解利差风险、提高利差风险的防范管理水平对国有寿险公司显得尤为重要。
Fortunately, the life insurance companies had realized the ponderance of the existing operational risks, especially the losses due to interest rate spread, which was an attention-getting problem to the whole industry. 寿险公司已经意识到了经营风险的严重性,尤其是普遍存在的利差损问题受到整个行业的普遍关注。
For a long time, most of the profits of Chinese banks come from interest spread, but those of banks in western countries come from intermediate business. 长期以来,我国银行业的利润大部分来源于存贷利差所形成的利息收入,而西方国家银行的利润大部分来自于中间业务收入。
This article detailed comparatively ripe interest rate risk measure theory at present, have offered the theoretical foundation for constructing the interest rate spread risk and taking precautions against countermeasure and frame. 本文较为详细的介绍了目前较为成熟的利率风险度量理论,为构建利率风险防范对策及框架提供了理论基础。
Regression results show that the net interest spread, the capital adequacy ratio, non-performing loan ratio, cost to income ratio, executive incentives, board size and other factors have a significant impact on the performance of commercial banks. 回归结果表明,净利息差、资本充足率、不良贷款率、成本收入比、高管激励、董事会规模等因素对商业银行的经营绩效具有显著影响。
The main income of the commercial banks of our country comes from the interest rate spread between depositing and loaning, therefore their income source will become more unstable due to the interest rate marketization which includes the deposit interest rate and loan interest rate. 目前,由于我国商业银行主要的收入仍然来自于存贷款的利差,所以对于包括存贷款利率在内的利率市场化将会使得商业银行的收入来源变得更加不稳定。
Further, the parameter which can represent the credibility of the rumor has inverse relation with the density of individuals who accept the rumor but lose interest to spread it. 3. 另外,代表谣言可信度的参数与最后接受谣言但失去传播兴趣人群之间成反比关系。
From the empire results, we find that the influence of assumed interest rate liberalization towards to life insurance income scale is not very significant, so it will not reduce the scale of life insurance income, but it indeed increases the risk of interest spread. 通过实证分析发现,预定利率市场化对寿险收入规模的影响并不十分显著,因此并不会导致寿险收入规模减少;但预定利率市场化的确会加大寿险公司的定价风险和利差损风险。